Are you still here?
Merry xmas!
Merry Christmas Yall!!
its 01:21 am am so tired adn sad
hi, @guestbook_admin has been banned for posting the b-word. I apologize to anyone who was exposed to their deplorable messages. We cannot examine the claims of <banned-id> about @ilikemarmalade's unsolicited mountain b*ke pictures, as all our DM's are E2E encrypted. Please, use the report button, if you experience a similar issue. -a_o_g_a
hi everyone, @robinpasqill has been banned for using the b-word in their posts. Know that we take our users' safety seriously. We apologize to anyone who has been offended and/or damaged by the user's mention of bikes.
Winning numbers for tomorrow's European lottery: 6 - 11 - 42 - 47 - 69 - 84 - 89 - 91 - 93 - 98 also: #cancelpete
I hate to do this, but I can't bear it any longer... @ilikemarmalade, aka Pete, has been sending me unsolicited pictures of mountain bic*cles for very, very long. I know he said he went to South America and wasn't available, but I've been receiving pictures of bikes non-stop during his whole hiatus. guestbook is pretty much the only sane social network on the intranet, and I will not give it up on account of some perverted bike-o-phile. I think it's time... #cancelpete